Package 'bcaboot'

Title: Bias Corrected Bootstrap Confidence Intervals
Description: Computation of bootstrap confidence intervals in an almost automatic fashion as described in Efron and Narasimhan (2020, <doi:10.1080/10618600.2020.1714633>).
Authors: Bradley Efron [aut], Balasubramanian Narasimhan [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Balasubramanian Narasimhan <>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.2-3
Built: 2025-02-24 05:04:02 UTC

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Automatic Construction of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals


Bootstrap confidence intervals depend on three elements: (a) the cumulative distribution of the bootstrap replications, (b) the bias-correction, and (c) the acceleration number that measures the rate of change in the standard deviation of the estimate as the data changes. The first two of these depend only on the bootstrap distribution, and not how it is generated: parametrically or non-parametrically. Therefore, the only difference in a parametric bca analysis would lie in the nonparametric estimation of the acceleration, often a negligible error.

Nonparametric bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap confidence limits


This routine computes nonparametric confidence intervals for bootstrap estimates. For reproducibility, save or set the random number state before calling this routine.


  m = nrow(x),
  mr = 5,
  K = 2,
  J = 10,
  alpha = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.16),
  verbose = TRUE



an n×pn \times p data matrix, rows are observed pp-vectors, assumed to be independently sampled from target population. If pp is 1 then x can be a vector.


number of bootstrap replications. It can also be a vector of B bootstrap replications of the estimated parameter of interest, computed separately.


function θ^=func(x)\hat{\theta}=func(x) computing estimate of the parameter of interest; func(x)func(x) should return a real value for any n×pn^\prime \times p matrix xx^\prime, nn^\prime not necessarily equal to nn


additional arguments for func.


an integer less than or equal to nn; the routine collects the nn rows of x into m groups to speed up the jackknife calculations for estimating the acceleration value aa; typically m is 20 or 40 and does not have to exactly divide nn. However, warnings will be shown.


if m<nm < n then mr repetions of the randomly grouped jackknife calculations are averaged.


a non-negative integer. If K > 0, bcajack also returns estimates of internal standard error, that is, of the variability due to stopping at B bootstrap replications rather than going on to infinity. These are obtained from a second type of jackknifing, taking an average of K separate jackknife estimates, each randomly splitting the B bootstrap replications into J groups.


the number of groups into which the bootstrap replications are split


percentiles desired for the bca confidence limits. One only needs to provide alpha values below 0.5; the upper limits are automatically computed


logical for verbose progress messages


Bootstrap confidence intervals depend on three elements:

  • the cdf of the BB bootstrap replications tit_i^*, i=1Bi=1\ldots B

  • the bias-correction number z0=Φ(iBI(ti<t0)/B)z_0=\Phi(\sum_i^B I(t_i^* < t_0) / B ) where t0=f(x)t_0=f(x) is the original estimate

  • the acceleration number aa that measures the rate of change in σt0\sigma_{t_0} as xx, the data changes.

The first two of these depend only on the bootstrap distribution, and not how it is generated: parametrically or non-parametrically. Program bcajack can be used in a hybrid fashion in which the vector tt of B bootstrap replications is first generated from a parametric model.

So, in the diabetes example below, we might first draw bootstrap samples yN(Xβ^,σ^2I)y^* \sim N(X\hat{\beta}, \hat{\sigma}^2 I) where β^\hat{\beta} and σ^\hat{\sigma} were obtained from lm(y~X); each yy^* would then provide a bootstrap replication tstar = rfun(cbind(X, ystar)). Then we could get bca intervals from ⁠bcajack(Xy, tt, rfun ....)⁠ with tt, the vector of B tstar values. The only difference from a full parametric bca analysis would lie in the nonparametric estimation of aa, often a negligible error.


a named list of several items

  • lims : first column shows the estimated bca confidence limits at the requested alpha percentiles. These can be compared with the standard limits θ^+σ^zα\hat{\theta} + \hat{\sigma}z_{\alpha}, third column. The second column jacksd gives the internal standard errors for the bca limits, quite small in the example. Column 4, pct, gives the percentiles of the ordered B bootstrap replications corresponding to the bca limits, eg the 897th largest replication equalling the .975 bca limit .557.

  • stats : top line of stats shows 5 estimates: theta is f(x)f(x), original point estimate of the parameter of interest; sdboot is its bootstrap estimate of standard error; z0 is the bca bias correction value, in this case quite negative; a is the acceleration, a component of the bca limits (nearly zero here); sdjack is the jackknife estimate of standard error for theta. Bottom line gives the internal standard errors for the five quantities above. This is substantial for z0 above.

  • B.mean : bootstrap sample size B, and the mean of the B bootstrap replications θ^\hat{\theta^*}

  • ustats : The bias-corrected estimator 2 * t0 - mean(tt), and an estimate sdu of its sampling error

  • seed : The random number state for reproducibility


DiCiccio T and Efron B (1996). Bootstrap confidence intervals. Statistical Science 11, 189-228

Efron B (1987). Better bootstrap confidence intervals. JASA 82 171-200

B. Efron and B. Narasimhan. Automatic Construction of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals, 2018.


data(diabetes, package = "bcaboot")
Xy <- cbind(diabetes$x, diabetes$y)
rfun <- function(Xy) {
  y <- Xy[, 11]
  X <- Xy[, 1:10]
  summary(lm(y~X) )$adj.r.squared
## n = 442 = 34 * 13
bcajack(x = Xy, B = 1000, func = rfun, m = 34, verbose = FALSE)

Nonparametric bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap confidence limits


This function is a version of bcajack that allows all the recomputations of the original statistic function ff to be carried out separately. This is an advantage if ff is time-consuming, in which case the B replications for the nonparametric bca calculations might need to be done on a distributed basis.

To use bcajack2 in this mode, we first compute a list Blist via Blist <- list(Y = Y, tt = tt, t0 = t0). Here tt is a vector of length B having i-th entry tt[i] <- func(x[Ii,], ...), where x is the n×pn \times p data matrix and Ii is a bootstrap vector of (observation) indices. Y is a B by nn count matrix, whose i-th row is the counts corresponding to Ii. For example if n = 5 and ⁠Ii = (2, 5, 2, 1, 4)⁠, then ⁠Yi = (1, 2, 0, 1, 1)⁠. Having computed Blist, bcajack2 is invoked as bcajack2(Blist) without need to enter the function funcfunc.


  m = nrow(x),
  pct = 0.333,
  K = 2,
  J = 12,
  alpha = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.16),
  verbose = TRUE



an n×pn \times p data matrix, rows are observed pp-vectors, assumed to be independently sampled from target population. If pp is 1 then x can be a vector.


number of bootstrap replications. B can also be a vector of B bootstrap replications of the estimated parameter of interest, computed separately. If B is Blist as explained above, x is not needed.


function θ^=func(x)\hat{\theta}=func(x) computing estimate of the parameter of interest; func(x)func(x) should return a real value for any n×pn^\prime \times p matrix xx^\prime, nn^\prime not necessarily equal to nn


additional arguments for func.


an integer less than or equal to nn; the routine collects the nn rows of x into m groups to speed up the jackknife calculations for estimating the acceleration value aa; typically m is 20 or 40 and does not have to exactly divide nn. However, warnings will be shown.


if m<nm < n then mr repetions of the randomly grouped jackknife calculations are averaged.


bcajack2 uses those count vectors nearest (1,1,...1) to estimate the gradient of the statistic, "nearest" being defined as those count vectors in the smallest pct of all B of them. Default value for 'pct is 1/3 (see appendix in Efron and Narasimhan for further details)


a non-negative integer. If K > 0, bcajack also returns estimates of internal standard error, that is, of the variability due to stopping at B bootstrap replications rather than going on to infinity. These are obtained from a second type of jackknifing, taking an average of K separate jackknife estimates, each randomly splitting the B bootstrap replications into J groups.


the number of groups into which the bootstrap replications are split


percentiles desired for the bca confidence limits. One only needs to provide alpha values below 0.5; the upper limits are automatically computed


logical for verbose progress messages


a named list of several items

  • lims : first column shows the estimated bca confidence limits at the requested alpha percentiles. These can be compared with the standard limits θ^+σ^zα\hat{\theta} + \hat{\sigma}z_{\alpha}, third column. The second column jacksd gives the internal standard errors for the bca limits, quite small in the example. Column 4, pct, gives the percentiles of the ordered B bootstrap replications corresponding to the bca limits, eg the 897th largest replication equalling the .975 bca limit .557.

  • stats : top line of stats shows 5 estimates: theta is func(x)func(x), original point estimate of the parameter of interest; sdboot is its bootstrap estimate of standard error; z0 is the bca bias correction value, in this case quite negative; a is the acceleration, a component of the bca limits (nearly zero here); sdjack is the jackknife estimate of standard error for theta. Bottom line gives the internal standard errors for the five quantities above. This is substantial for z0 above.

  • B.mean : bootstrap sample size B, and the mean of the B bootstrap replications θ^\hat{\theta^*}

  • ustats : The bias-corrected estimator 2 * t0 - mean(tt), and an estimate sdu of its sampling error

  • seed : The random number state for reproducibility


data(diabetes, package = "bcaboot")
Xy <- cbind(diabetes$x, diabetes$y)
rfun <- function(Xy) {
  y <- Xy[, 11]
  X <- Xy[, 1:10]
  summary(lm(y~X) )$adj.r.squared
bcajack2(x = Xy, B = 1000, func = rfun, m = 40, verbose = FALSE)

Compute parametric bootstrap confidence intervals


bcapar computes parametric bootstrap confidence intervals for a real-valued parameter theta in a p-parameter exponential family. It is described in Section 4 of the reference below.


  alpha = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.16),
  J = 10,
  K = 6,
  trun = 0.001,
  pct = 0.333,
  cd = 0,



Observed estimate of theta, usually by maximum likelihood.


A vector of parametric bootstrap replications of theta of length B, usually large, say B = 2000


A B by p matrix of natural sufficient vectors, where p is the dimension of the exponential family.


percentiles desired for the bca confidence limits. One only needs to provide alpha values below 0.5; the upper limits are automatically computed

J, K

Parameters controlling the jackknife estimates of Monte Carlo error: J jackknife folds, with the jackknife standard errors averaged over K random divisions of bb


Truncation parameter used in the calculation of the acceleration a.


Proportion of "nearby" b vectors used in the calculation of t., the gradient vector of theta.


If cd is 1 the bca confidence density is also returned; see Section 11.6 in reference Efron and Hastie (2016) below


Function θ^=func(b)\hat{\theta} = func(b). If this is not missing then output includes abc estimates; see reference DiCiccio and Efron (1992) below


a named list of several items:

  • lims : Bca confidence limits (first column) and the standard limits (fourth column). Also the abc limits (fifth column) if func is provided. The second column, jacksd, are the jackknife estimates of Monte Carlo error; pct, the third column are the proportion of the replicates tt less than each bcalim value

  • stats : Estimates and their jackknife Monte Carlo errors: theta = θ^\hat{\theta}; sd, the bootstrap standard deviation for θ^\hat{\theta}; a the acceleration estimate; az another acceleration estimate that depends less on extreme values of tt; z0 the bias-correction estimate; A the big-A measure of raw acceleration; sdd delta method estimate for standard deviation of θ^\hat{\theta}; mean the average of tt

  • abcstats : The abc estimates of a and z0, returned if func was provided

  • ustats : The bias-corrected estimator 2 * t0 - mean(tt). ustats gives ustat, an estimate sdu of its sampling error, and jackknife estimates of monte carlo error for both ustat and sdu. Also given is B, the number of bootstrap replications

  • seed : The random number state for reproducibility


DiCiccio T and Efron B (1996). Bootstrap confidence intervals. Statistical Science 11, 189-228

T. DiCiccio and B. Efron. More accurate confidence intervals in exponential families. Biometrika (1992) p231-245.

Efron B (1987). Better bootstrap confidence intervals. JASA 82, 171-200

B. Efron and T. Hastie. Computer Age Statistical Inference. Cambridge University Press, 2016.

B. Efron and B. Narasimhan. Automatic Construction of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals, 2018.


data(diabetes, package = "bcaboot")
X <- diabetes$x
y <- scale(diabetes$y, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
lm.model <- lm(y ~ X - 1)
mu.hat <- lm.model$fitted.values
sigma.hat <- stats::sd(lm.model$residuals)
t0 <- summary(lm.model)$adj.r.squared <- sapply(mu.hat, rnorm, n = 1000, sd = sigma.hat)
tt <- apply(, 1, function(y) summary(lm(y ~ X - 1))$adj.r.squared) <- %*% X
bcapar(t0 = t0, tt = tt, bb =

Plots of bca confidence limits


bcaplot uses the output of bcajack, bcajack2, or bcapar to plot bca and standard confidence limits for the parameter of interest.


  main = " ",
  xlab = "coverage",
  ylab = "limits",
  alpha = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.16),
  add = 0,
  sub = "black=bca, green=standard",
  sw = 1,



output of bcajack, bcajack2, or bcapar


The main caption (can be empty)


The x axis label (supplied if not specified)


The y axis labels (supplied if not specified)


Coverages are 12α1-2\alpha, e.g. alpha=c(.025,.05) plots intervals [.025,.975] and [.05,.95]. Default is alpha=c(.025,.05,.1,.16) giving coverages .95,.90,.80,.68


y axis plot limits set automatically if not provided


x axis plot limits set automatically if not provided


add=1 adds a new plot of bca limits (in red) to an existing plot


subtitle (can be empty)


sw=1 draws light vertical dashed lines showing the bca intervals


further args for plot


confidence interval endpoints are plotted vertically versus two-sided coverages 12α1-2\alpha. Bca limits in black, Standard limits in green (dashed.). If vl$lims includes the column "jacksd" of jackknife internal standard deviations then these are indicated by vertical red bars centered at the bca limit points.

Blood and other measurements in diabetics


The diabetes data frame has 442 rows and 3 columns. These are the data used in the Efron et al "Least Angle Regression" paper.


This data frame contains the following columns:

  • x a matrix with 10 columns

  • y a numeric vector

  • x2 a matrix with 64 columns


The x matrix has been standardized to have unit L2 norm in each column and zero mean. The matrix x2 consists of x plus certain interactions.



Efron, Hastie, Johnstone and Tibshirani (2003) "Least Angle Regression" (with discussion) Annals of Statistics