- ASSISTant::LLL.SETTINGSDesign and trial settings used in the Lai, Lavori, Liao paper simulations
- bcaboot::diabetesBlood and other measurements in diabetics
- conTree::age_dataAge and Demographics data
- conTree::air_qualityAir Quality Data from UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository
- conTree::censusCensus Data Example from UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository
- deconvolveR::bardWordCountShakespeare word counts in the entire canon: 14,376 distinct words appeared exactly once, 4343 words appeared twice etc.
- deconvolveR::disjointThetaA set of Theta values that have a bimodal distribution for testing
- deconvolveR::surgIntestinal surgery data involving 844 cancer patients. The data consists of pairs (n_i, s_i) where n_i is the number of satellites removed and s_i is the number of satellites found to be malignant.
- ECOSolveR::ECOS_exitcodesECOS solver exit codes
- pamr::khanKhan microarray data